Pune : Deadline has been set by the Pallis to go to Singhagad for the last three weeks as tourists rush over Singhagad to enjoy the monsoon. The mansion has been informed that no vehicle will be towed at Sinhagad after Dawn on Saturday and Sunday afternoon. It was also implemented yesterday. That is why the traffic on Sinhagad did not last for last Saturday and Sunday.
Sinhagad is the youngest favorite place for rainy season. Throughout Pune, tourists from all over the state are coming to Singhagad for the monsoon. Due to the high number of Itians in Pune, many of the weekend plans are in the hands of Sinhagad. So for the last three weeks, huge traffic congestion has taken place on Sinhagad. The tourist ferry was stuck on the road for three hours. As there is a dam on Khadakwas at the base of Sinhagad, the chapati here is also full of weekends. Because of this, the drivers are making any kind of vehicles, as the road is narrow, there are also long queues of vehicles on the chapati. As a solution to this, it has now been decided by Pallis to close the Weekend Khadakwas chapatti. Similarly, vehicles have been banned at Singhagad after noon. The decision was implemented yesterday on Sunday. It has got a positive result and traffic relief from the traffic kendi got relief from the drivers who were stranded for three hours due to traffic accident. But in the afternoon, the tourists who came after Dane were disappointed. The steps they came to back had to be returned. Therefore, many of the weekend plans were immersed. Sources said the decision will be effective from the entire monsoon, although there is no clear information about how this decision will take effect.