Home News Important-News Amidst havoc of Corona virus, crowd gathered to buy condom in Singapore, know what is the reason

Amidst havoc of Corona virus, crowd gathered to buy condom in Singapore, know what is the reason


After China, Singapore has also been hit by the corona virus. As of 12 February, a total of 47 cases have been reported. The local government has declared the ‘Status of Disease Outbreak Response System’ (DORSCON) Orange Alert on 7 February. 

Addressing the country, Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong appealed to the people to be vigilant. After this, there was a huge rush at the store to buy essential items. People started collecting rice, toilet paper, tissue boxes and masks. 

Meanwhile, it was also rumored that the condom was effective in preventing corona, so people started buying condoms. The condoms ended unexpectedly from the medical store. On social media, people are describing condoms as the most effective way of protecting the corona virus. People are seen wearing condoms in their hands, from pressing the lift button to opening the car door.

Let us know that the number of people who died due to the corona virus havoc in China is increasing every moment and now the number of people who died due to this has increased to 1631. In the last two days, 143 people have died due to this disease. China’s health officer gave this information on Saturday. 

The maximum terror of the Korana virus is seen in Hubei province in China. In Hubei province, which has become the hub of novel corona virus, the disease has engulfed 2420 new people. China’s National Health Mission said that 139 people died of the corona virus in Hubei province on Friday.