A three-judge bench of the Supreme Court will hear the plea of Mukesh Singh, one of the convicts sentenced to death in the Delhi gangrape case, at 12.30 pm on Tuesday. Explain that the guilty Mukesh filed a fresh petition in the Supreme Court on Saturday against the mercy petition rejected by the President. In which he demanded immediate hearing on his appeal in protest against the President’s refusal of clemency.
Significantly, in 2012, a paramedical student was brutally gang raped and she was left to die. The student was killed a few days after the incident. The mercy petition of Mukesh (32) was rejected by President Ram Nath Kovind on 17 January.
Chief Justice S.A. Bobde’s bench had said that if someone is to be hanged, nothing more can be done than that. He also asked Kumar’s lawyer to approach the competent authority of the apex court.