Large arsenal seized from Crime Branch Unit 2 during the Assembly elections 2019 in Pune city

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Large arsenal seized from Crime Branch Unit 2 during the Assembly elections 2019 in Pune city

Legislative Assembly should keep law and order intact in the city during the 2019 elections. There should be no crime in the hands of criminals in Pune city in order to hold elections peaceful. If you are on alert to keep the criminals on record and keep them in check from time to time, if there is any immediate arrest then upper police commissioner crime branch Ashok Morale, deputy commissioner of crime crime Bachchan Singh, assistant police commissioner crime branch Vijay Chowdhury, doctor Shivaji Pawar and doctor Shivaji Pawar. The staff was ordered.

*As per the order,* the officers and employees of Crime Branch Unit 2 were checking the offenders on record and searching for the absconders in the vicinity of Bharati University Police Station. Based on the information that the crime branch unit 2 Police Naik Yashwant Khandare, Mohsin Shaikh, was informed by a correspondent that he was going to sell the pistol to the village at Katraj Navale Bridge Road, in front of an Ismail Jai Gurudev marble granite shop. Ahmednagar) would have arrested and examined the accused. The accused was acquitted of 5 mulberry pistols worth Rs. 1 lakh 25 thousand and five live cartridges worth Rs. A case has been registered against the accused under Arm Act 3 (25), 5 (25) at Bharati University Police Station in connection with the incident.

By order of the seniors,
Earlier, accused Manoj Dhotre and Mohsin alias Moba Sheikh were on record during the crime branch unit 2 Lok Sabha elections. Yerawada, Pune were seized by him with 5 bronze pistols and 9 live cartridges. Also in August, accused Chinya alias Datta Nandlal Sharma, on record. Bopkhel, Dapodi were arrested and confiscated 1 bore pistol 1 bore revolver and 4 live cartridges. Thus, Crime Branch Unit 2 seized a total of 11 bore pistols, 1 mower revolver and 18 live cartridges during the month of last week.
Crime Branch Unit 2 has taken preventive action against the accused by apprehending 5 criminals in the assembly elections of 2019. Since 2007, the accused have been arrested on 2 counts of want of records and 1 accused of wanting records from 2011 has been arrested.

Upper Police Commissioner Crime Branch Ashok Morale, Deputy Commissioner of Police Crime Bachchan Singh, Assistant Police Commissioner Crime Branch Dr. Shivaji Pawar, Assistant Police Commissioner Crime Branch Vijay Chowdhury. Under the guidance and guidance of crime branch unit 2 Assistant Police Inspector Jaywant Jadhav. Deputy Inspector of Police Nitin Shinde, Ganesh More. APF Sanjay Dalvi, Yashwant Kamble, Shekhar Koli. Police Naik Yashwant Khandare, Mohsin Shaikh, Atul Gaikwad, Kadir Sheikh, Gopal Madane. This is done by the team

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