Jaipur. A 22-year-old girl living in Brahmapuri area of Jaipur, Rajasthan’s capital, was brutally murdered. The girl was married and was also the mother of a two and a half month old baby. The girl’s name was Reshma Manglani and two years ago she had inter-caste marriage against the will of her family members, resident of Ghatgate, Jaipur. The first year of marriage passed happily, but then there was a rift between them. The estrangement grew so much that some time ago Ayaz Reshma left her mother-in-law and stayed at her father’s house. After marriage and breakup, Reshma gave birth to a child two and a half months ago and this child also brought them both closer. But by then, Ayaz’s love for Reshma had changed in her heart over Reshma’s character. This is the reason that on the night of January 19, he first gave alcohol to Reshma and then took him to a deserted place and killed him. Read the next slides,
According to the FIR lodged in Amre police station in Jaipur, Reshma’s mother Rekha Manglani filed a complaint on Monday.
According to the FIR, Reshma used to stay with her parents in Jaysingpura Khor police station Brahmapuri Jaipur near Jhulelal Colony VIP School. (Photo-Reshma bought Scooty two months before marriage)
My daughter Reshma Manglani aged about 22 years was married about 2 years ago (October 2017) with Ayaz Ahmed.
Ayaz was a Muslim and Reshma Sindhi, in such a situation, Reshma revolted in the family.
Both worked together in a finance company and got married in spite of family opposition.
After marriage Ayaz started living with Reshma in his house. He stayed in his in-laws’ house for almost a year.
But Ayaz started getting angry about Reshma after some time. He objected to posting Reshma’s photo and video on social media.
According to Reshma’s mother, Ayaz started harassing Reshma on this matter for some time. A month ago, he also threatened to kill Reshma.
Ayaz in-laws did not go after this threat. He lived near his parents in Ghatgate.
Meanwhile, two months ago (November 2019) Reshma was born a child. After this child, the closeness between the two increased again, but Ayaz grew suspicious of Reshma’s character and love turned into hatred.
On January 19, that is, at 4 pm on Sunday, Reshma gets her scooty no. RJ14-HY-4781 had left for Jhotwara, which did not return. His body was found soaked in blood on Monday in Amer police station area. She was murdered, and the police arrested her husband Ayaz Ahmed, revealing it within 5 hours.