New Delhi: Senior BJP leader and former external affairs minister Sushma Swaraj, who passed away at AIIMS, had put a tweet even as late as Tuesday evening hailing Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the government’s move on Jammu and Kashmir. Thanking the PM, she said she had been waiting for this day her entire life.
“Thank you Prime Minister. Thank you very much. I was waiting to see this day in my lifetime,” the late veteran leader wrote on Twitter.
On Monday, Swaraj, who was widely known for being active on social media, especially during her tenure as foreign minister, had congratulated Home Minister Amit Shah for presenting the resolution on Kashmir in the Rajya Sabha.
Swara did not contest the recently held Lok Sabha elections in which the party won with a massive majority.
Swaraj was perhaps the most ‘millennial’ minister the Indian government has ever had. From being tagged the ‘supermom’ of India by Washington Post to becoming one of the most followed politicians on Twitter, she has truly struck a chord with young and old alike with her round-the-clock social media presence, eagerness to help, and ready wit on social media.
“I congratulate the Home Minister Shri @AmitShah ji for his outstanding performance in Rajya Sabha,” she said on Twitter.