In the women’s conference held at the party office in Kannauj on Saturday, a young man stood up in front of Akhilesh Yadav. Akhilesh called it a conspiracy and said that there is a danger of life from the BJP. In fact, during the conference, a young man who came suddenly asked him questions and started shouting slogans of Jai Shri Ram on Akhilesh’s call. When he tried to nab the young man from the people present, the young man started pushing. Akhilesh, who was on the stage, asked the police to intervene and alleged from the stage itself that a BJP leader had threatened him on his mobile two days ago. Now the people of BJP are spoiling the atmosphere by sending their people to the meeting. He said that I am in danger from the BJP people. The way this young man comes here and gets entangled, he may be in danger. At present, the police has started questioning the youth in custody.
Atrocities on women increased in BJP government,
during the women’s conference, the former Chief Minister said that atrocities on women have increased in the BJP government, there are reports of atrocities against mothers and sisters from different parts of the state. Women are not safe in government, daughters are not safe. In Meerut, giving an example of a crime with a medical student, attacked the government.
Poverty being hidden from the President of America,
Akhilesh Yadav said that before the arrival of the President of the United States, while raising the wall in front of the slums in Gujarat, he said that those who do not do good to the poor are now building a wall in front of them, but America Everyone knows, everything is imprisoned in the radar, but the American President is coming for business not for our country but for his own interest.
780 days left in the election, after that the Samajwadi government
Akhilesh Yadav said that boosting the morale of the workers said that there are now 780 days left in the assembly elections. It will spend 200 days in the election itself, so now gear up. Said that the party will run the program everywhere. Training will be given to new workers. Hang the calendar at home, cut a date every day. Change this government and bring your government.