The station master of the railway will soon become the assistant operations manager. With this, the way for their gazetted has also been cleared. Railway Board has approved the pay scale of 5400 rupees under the MACP to the Station Master. Station Master will get this increased salary from the year 2018. After this decree of the board, a wave of happiness has run in about 40 thousand station masters posted on the entire Indian Railways.
Railway Board has issued instructions to all the divisions to pay higher pay scale to the station master. After 10, 20 and 30 years of service under MACP (Modified Assured Career Promotion), now station masters will also get a pay scale of 5400. According to Anup Kumar, Divisional Secretary, Northern Railway, the station master at Bharti Railway had been struggling for a long time.
After the seventh pay scale, the station master was to be paid Rs 4200 on grade pay, Rs 4600 on completion of 10 years, Rs 4800 on completion of 20 years and Rs 5400 on completion of 30 years. The station master was getting a pay scale of Rs 4800 but after completing 30 years, he was not getting a salary of Rs 5400. After the approval of the Railway Board, on Wednesday, the Deputy Director of the Railway Board was commissioned on Sudha A. Kujar has issued its order.
According to Divisional Secretary Anoop Kumar, the benefit of MACP of Rs 5400 will be given from the year 2018, all the employees who have completed 30 years of jobs and retired in the year 2018 will get the benefit . He told that Union Leader Late S.N. In memory of P. Sivan Pillai, celebrating Station Master Day, he had reached the rally to Rail Bhavan but the rally had to be canceled in New Delhi due to the visit of US President Donald Trump and worsening situation.