Following a steep rise in coronavirus virus cases over the last few days, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Edappadi K Palaniswami said on Monday that Chennai and adjoining areas will be under lockdown from June 19 to 30 sans present relaxations and a full-scale shutdown on two Sundays.
The decision was taken after the chief minister held a meeting with a multi-disciplinary medical committee that recommended the move in view of the outbreak.
The government announced complete lockdown in Chennai and several areas that fall under the jurisdiction of Greater Chennai Police and situated in Tiruvallur, Chengelpet and Kancheepuram districts from June 19 to 30.
During the 12 day period, only essential services will be allowed with restrictions, he said, besides the full-scale shutdown without any relaxations on two Sundays (June 21 and 28).
Essential services, including grocery, vegetable and fruit shops and petrol pump stations will be open from 6am to 2pm for the next 12 beginning Thursday midnight.
Tea shops would remain closed, and so would other standalone and neighbourhood shops that do not fall in the essential category.
Hotels will be allowed to continue services via parcels and deliveries from 6am to 8pm. Food delivery services will also remain open, but employees would have to carry their ID cards.
Taxis, autos and private vehicles will not be allowed to operate for the next 12 days. Flights and trains arriving from other states would be allowed to enter the state during this period.
The four districts will observe a total lockdown on two Sundays in the lockdown period where nothing will be allowed except milk distribution, hospitals, pharmacies and emergency healthcare services.
The chief minister made a passionate plea to people in the state to not venture out unnecessarily and face action, considering the health emergency.