Thane : Kasaravadavali police have arrested a thug who allegedly befriended a woman on Facebook and WhatsApp from Kolhapur . Police arrested the accused within two hours . The deceased was identified as Sachin Narayan Gadkari (1), who lives in Atal, Karnataka state.
A complaint has been lodged by a woman in Kasparwadwali police station. According to the woman’s information. Describing the name of Riteish Patil living in Bandra, Aam Aadmi has been caught trying to chase through Facebook and the Whatsapp app. He then informed the complainant woman about the government’s plans for the women and was forced to send her a photo and make video calls with his sweet words. Then the accused asked the complainant to kill the woman and her family and give her a total of 19,000 rupees in her bank’s bank account from time to time by threatening to burn her photo and video viral. In this way, the complainant was making money by making friends with social media and then blackmailing her. The complaint was lodged by the complainant in Keshavadavali police station. S Vs. The offense was registered under section 4 (e) and section 2 (d), 2 (e), 5, 6 (a) of the Information and Technology Act, Act. The accused was in constant contact with the complainant woman on mobile to deposit money in the bank account. Its mobile tower locationWere getting to Kolhapur . Accordingly, the police squad was immediately prepared and they were sent to Kolhapur to catch the accused . Meanwhile, the accused was taken into custody by the accused when he went to check his bank balance at the Corporation Bank’s ATM Center in Tarabai Park, Kolhapur. The arrest was made by the police in just two hours. Sachin Gadkari talked to the complainant lady in the name of fake Riteish Patil. In this way, police have identified the possibility that he has cheated many women.