The Tamil Nadu government has promoted all Class 10 students after cancelling their exams, a day after the Madras High Court suggested putting them off, in view of the rising Covid-19 cases in the state.
The Class 10 exams were slated to take place on June 15. For Class 11, certain exams which could not be held due to coronavirus, were also cancelled, and students were declared promoted. However, examination dates for Class 12 students will be announced later.
Chief Minister K Palaniswami had suggested that evaluation be conducted by taking into consideration students’ performance in the half-yearly exams upto a maximum weightage of 80% and the remaining percentage to be decided on the basis of their attendance, according to a press release.
Palaniswami’s announcement has been hailed by education and virology experts.
Many people in the state, including opposition parties had been calling for postponement of exams amid the rising cases in Chennai.
The state capital has been reporting almost a thousand Covid-19 each day since the last week. Those returning to the state have also been adding to the tally amid concerns over the availability of healthcare infrastructure, particularly beds in public and private medical institutions.
The timing of the announcement also stands significant as it comes after a declaration of protest by the opposition parties led by DMK to postpone exams.
The state government had previously appeared keen on conducting the exams, going by its submissions in the court yesterday.
With today’s announcement, Palaniswami appears to have averted a massive challenge in logistical administration for the school education department, along with dousing a political challenge of cancelling the declared protests by the opposition.