Pune : If a person is in the group of students of the college, it is celebrated that a person has a birthday. Friends on the cutting and meeting the cake for birthday cake Often, the tasty cakes eat less and face more. Against this, some students of Ferguson have taken an unsuitable program, and for those with a birthday, a conceptual book is being offered instead of cake. Avoiding the cost of cake is being spent on books. Let’s celebrate the conceptual birthday celebrations under the tagline, some students of Ferguson College are working to divide books on their birthday. Kaanna’s birthday is also in the college, and the students visit their friends by offering a conceptual book for visiting and visiting them. Not only the students, but the professors have also been given as gift books on their birthday. Dain has been running this program since the month and till now the students have got more books than twenty five books. This includes ideological books and books on great personalities.

While giving more details, Fergusson College student Sunil Jadhav said that students decided to spend on birthday instead of spending on cakes. Often the cake for birthday can be applied to each other’s faces. It is also ruined. So we decided to give a birthday to someone’s birthday without paying the money on the cake. This gift is to remember that student throughout his life. Similarly, he will get knowledge from that book too. Students who prepare competition exams will also benefit from this. So we have implemented this program in Fergusson College for the last Dana Month.