The accused, SKODA driver Harvinder Singh Harbhajan (75), was arrested by the police in Panvel-Kamotha accident . The accused was taken to the Life Line Hospital in Panvel due to deterioration in health after the accident . Today Kamothe police was informed by the police Dilkush Sonawane Kamothe be detained accused. Video of the accident took place in the hands of the police last night. The Skoda driver was hit in this video. Both died in the accident.
Last night, a car accident in Sector 8 in Kamothe city caused a major accident . Due to the collision of a number of vehicles, the pedestrians took off at around 4.30 pm. Both have died in the accident. The crash was caused by a Skoda cause, MH01BF993 . Six people were injured in the accident. Both of them were critical. Their condition was critical. They were admitted to MGM Hospital. But both died during the treatment. The remaining four are being treated at the hospital.