Rahul Gandhi gets caught in the circles of besieging the Modi government on permanent commission to women in the army

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In an attempt to surround the central government over the Supreme Court’s decision to give permanent commission to women in the army, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi himself got himself castigated. In fact, the Delhi High Court had directed the Indian Army to give permanent commission to women only in 2010, but the then UPA government moved the Supreme Court against this decision. Today, when the Supreme Court upheld the High Court’s decision, Rahul Gandhi found it a good opportunity to surround the Central Government, but he forgot that his own party’s government had gone against it to the Supreme Court.

On the Supreme Court’s decision, Rahul Gandhi said in his tweet, ‘The government has insulted every woman in the country by arguing in the Supreme Court that women military officers are not entitled to appointment in the command post or permanent service, because they are men Less than. I congratulate the women of India for proving the BJP government wrong and standing against them.

Advocate and BJP leader Minakshi Lekhi and senior high court advocate Navdeep Singh, who fought the case of women military officers in this case, reminded Rahul Gandhi that the then UPA government had gone against the High Court’s decision, not the BJP. Navdeep Singh said, ‘The Congress government went to the Supreme Court in 2010 against this decision of the Delhi High Court. I believe that such a decision should not be politicized.

During the hearing on the matter in the Supreme Court, Justice Chandrachud also said that had the government implemented the High Court’s decision in 2010 without any delay, then women officers who had been in service for 14 to 20 years today would be entitled to permanent commission. It is the failure of the government not to implement that decision. 

Meenakshi Lekhi has also leveled at Rahul Gandhi. He said, ‘Please, please refresh your memory button Rahul Gandhi. In 2010, it was the Congress government at the Center that opposed the permanent commission for women in the Army in the Delhi High Court.

What is the decision of the Supreme Court?
The Delhi High Court’s decision to give permanent commission to women officers in the army has also been approved by the Supreme Court. The court said that the Center is bound to give permanent command to women in all the areas except Kambat areas in the army. The central government challenged the Delhi High Court’s March 2010 decision in the court, in which the High Court ordered the army to give permanent commission to all its women officers. 

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