Prayagraj Former Union Minister Chinmayanand, accused in the case of rape and sexual exploitation with Shahjahanpur’s Law Student, has got bail from the Allahabad High Court. Explain that the High Court had reserved the verdict after hearing on bail on 16 November. After which Chinmayanand, who was imprisoned on the charge of sexual exploitation, has come out of the jail. Chinmayanand was released from Shahjahanpur jail at around 4.30 pm after the bail was granted by the Allahabad High Court.
Prison Superintendent Rakesh Kumar said, “Chinmayanand was released on Wednesday after completion of all legal formalities.” The Allahabad High Court granted him bail on Monday, but was not released due to pending legal formalities. Could be done. Along with granting bail to Chinmayanand, the High Court had also ordered to transfer the hearing of his case from Shahjahanpur to Lucknow.
Significantly, after the intervention of the Supreme Court, Chinmayanand was arrested in the month of September last year. The SIT team along with UP police arrested Chinmayanand from Mumukshu Ashram. Chinmayananda was accused of rape and blackmailing by a student of LLM studying in his own college. Later, the Supreme Court had constituted a two-member special bench of the Allahabad High Court and directed to constitute an SIT to investigate the whole matter.