After Lucknow-New Delhi Tejas and Ahmedabad-Mumbai Tejas, IRCTC is now ready to run its third private train on the Kashi-Mahakal Express track. According to the statement released by IRCTC, the superfast air-conditioned Kashi Mahakal Express will launch on 16 February. Its first night service will be available on Varanasi-Indore route on February 20. The Kashi Mahakal Express will run between Varanasi and Indore via Ujjain, Sant Hirdanagar (Bhopal), Bina, Jhansi, Kanpur, Lucknow / Prayagraj and Sultanpur three days a week.
IRCTC will also offer tour packages covering religious places on the Kashi-Mahakal Express route. This tour package will cover Kashi, Mahakaleshwar, Omkareshwar, Bhopal, Sanchi, Ujjain, Bhimbetka, Ayodhya and Prayag. According to IRCTC, Kashi Mahakal Express will connect Jyotirlinga-Omkareshwar (near Indore), Mahakaleshwar (Ujjain) and Kashi Vishwanath (Varanasi). Apart from this, it will also connect industrial and educational hubs of Indore and Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh.
This will be IRCTC’s first long distance overnight journey train, which will provide a wide range of facilities to passengers. These include high quality vegetarian food, housekeeping services, onboard bedrolls and onboard security services. After the first reservation chart is prepared, current booking will be available at the station 4 hours and 5 minutes before the departure of Kashi Mahakal Express. In case of both waiting and confirmed e-tickets, the passengers will be refunded the full fare on cancellation of booking. Travel insurance of Rs 10 lakh will also be available According to IRCTC, every passenger of Kashi Mahakal Express
will also get
travel insurance of Rs 10 lakh. Booking of tickets for this Kashi Mahakal Express can be done only through the IRCTC website and its mobile app ‘Irctc Rail Connect’. The train will have an advance reservation period of 120 days and only general and foreign tourist quota will remain.