LUCKNOW: Drug purchase system at all medical colleges in Uttar Pradesh will change soon with the government introducing drug management guideline on Friday.
Of the total budget given to medical colleges 80% purchase will be done via the Uttar Pradesh Medical Supply Corporation Limited (UPMSCL) that is already giving medicines to all government hospitals in the state. The guideline has paved way to bring in generic drugs at medical colleges.
The benefit the government order issued from the office of the principle secretary medical education Rajneesh Dubey, says will be round-the-clock availability of drugs. Since the generic drugs are comparatively cheaper than branded hence the same budget shall be able to procure more stock. The order applies to all medical institutes in Uttar Pradesh.
The guideline says 839 essential drugs are in its list. The definition of drugs includes all chemical, bio-chemical and biosimilar generic drugs. Of the total budget with individual colleges, 20% (funds) will remain with college for purchase as per need.
The process starts with colleges to make a list for purchase of medicine as per their past needs. For this the colleges will ask each department to make a list of drugs they prescribed/purchased for patients and give it to college administration.
The college administration will file the same with directorate of medical education. And then a compiled list will be handed over to the UPMSCL that has established warehouses in all districts and is purchasing medicines directly from the companies. The UPMSCL has not been able to supply all the medicines that are prescribed to patients at government hospitals and this new responsibility has also been given to the newly formed set up.
Till now colleges were purchasing medicines from the manufacturers directly after bargaining. The colleges are also required to make a list for future order of drugs to ensure the stock with them remains at a certain level and there is no shortage of drugs with them.